Preli to Masters exam is knowing at the door. Finally, the long wait has come to an end and the National University published the Preli to Masters exam routine on the NU’s site on 05/09/2024. Preliminary to Masters is also called the Masters First year course. So if you are a student in the Masters 1st year then this notice is for you.
Whenever the NU Masters 1st year routine is published, we have uploaded it here. NU (National University) Masters in a 2 yearly exam. It is a post-graduation exam in Bangladesh. A Master’s certificate puts you in a higher position in the job field. So the NU Masters exam is a very significant exam for a graduate in Bangladesh.
Masters 1st Year Exam Routine 2024
NU Masters 1st year exam routine has already been published, and as soon as the routine was published on their website by the NU authorities, we uploaded it on this site without any delay. This routine was published on 05 September 2024. Here is the routine, just rolling your eyes over the image below.
Here is The PDF Link To Download the Routine
NU Masters 1st Year Exam Routine 2024
Here I will share with you the NU Masters 1st Year (Old Syllabus Special) Exam Routine of 2021. This exam was supposed to be taken in 2018, and unfortunately, the decision was hung till 2021, and recently the NU authority of NU has taken the initiative to carry out the exam.
With that in mind, there is an exam routine published by the NU authority on their website, and also I have uploaded it on this site with a detailed explanation. So read the whole article from top to bottom and note down the information.
Here is the image of the exam routine pdf form published by the NU authority. Focus on the images, and you will be able to get
This NU Masters 1st year exam routine has been verified by Bodruzzaman, an exam controller of National University, Gazipur. If you have any complaints about this routine of the NU Masters 1st year exam, you can directly contact National University at 02-9291046. You can also leave a comment below in the following to know further information about this routine.
NU Masters 1st Year Exam Routine 2023 PDF
NU Masters 1st year exam 2023 PDF is also not officially uploaded by the National University Official website. It will be uploaded soon, and we will supply it to you with no delay time. We know that the NU Masters 1st year exam routine PDF (Portable Document Format) is a must-needed file. We provided the last year’s NU Masters 1st year exam routine as a demo.
Download NU Masters 1st Year Exam Routine
You can easily download it on the link and save it on your storage device. You can directly print out the NU Masters 1st year routine from this PDF link.
So we couldn’t provide you with that at this very moment. But we will try to provide the authentic and latest notice for the NU Masters 1st year exam as soon as possible.